The time is now to tackle your hair loss and find out how you can find a solution! Treating your hair loss starts at home. The products you use at home will change. The way you take care of your hair and even the manner in which you do many standard things in your life will change to accommodate the needs of your hair. I want you to begin to chart your course of treatment and monitor your needs in order to have the most effective outcome.
About a week before clients come in to see us at the Jeffrey Paul Salon, we have them gather and count the hair that falls out during that week. When they come in, we conduct an analysis of their scalp, the follicles, the openings where hair emerges from the scalp, and other factors, in order to measure and put a value on the stage of your loss so that you can understand the steps you will need to take to alter the situation. If you collect hair you’ve lost and put it in a clear plastic baggie, daily for a week, you can see at-a-glance whether you are losing more or less hair as time goes on.