Wigs For Kids Holiday Giving


The moment a child begins losing their hair can be a life changing experience. That experience touched my heart years ago when I began Wigs for Kids, and continues to touch my heart and the lives of others every single day. Working with children who have lost their hair has taught me that every child deserves to look, and feel normal.

And now I’d like to introduce you to Julia, who has shared her story so that you may havw that same experience. Julia is a 3-year-old Wigs For Kids recipient, who was diagnosed with Alopecia  Totalis, a form of hair loss resulting in the loss of all hair on her head. A smart and bubbly girl, Julia has not allowed her hair loss to get in her way. She is certainly a spirited gift from above. Receiving a hairpiece has provided a feeling of normalcy and acceptance among her peers. Julia’s hairpiece will allow her to continue to swim and go horseback riding without a fear of her hairpiece falling off.

Wigs For Kids Holiday Giving


The moment a child begins losing their hair can be a life changing experience. That experience touched my heart years ago when I began Wigs for Kids, and continues to touch my heart and the lives of others every single day. Working with children who have lost their hair has taught me that every child deserves to look, and feel normal.

And now I’d like to introduce you to Julia, who has shared her story so that you may havw that same experience. Julia is a 3-year-old Wigs For Kids recipient, who was diagnosed with Alopecia  Totalis, a form of hair loss resulting in the loss of all hair on her head. A smart and bubbly girl, Julia has not allowed her hair loss to get in her way. She is certainly a spirited gift from above. Receiving a hairpiece has provided a feeling of normalcy and acceptance among her peers. Julia’s hairpiece will allow her to continue to swim and go horseback riding without a fear of her hairpiece falling off.

Cover Up for the Holidays

Cover Me

December is a month of cheer, but for those women experiencing 10-20 percent hair thinning or loss that cheer can be replaced with a bit of worry. There’s no need to worry this holiday season, camouflage makeup is a simple solution for early hair thinning and loss to keep that holiday cheer alive.

Just like light powder and liquid can cover dark and red spots on skin, light powder and liquid can conceal thinning areas on your scalp. After a consultation at Jeffrey Paul Salon, we can show you how this camouflage solution can help you look nearly perfect so you can enjoy that holiday party.

Here are some of my tips for applying camouflage makeup:

Cover Up for the Holidays

Cover Me

December is a month of cheer, but for those women experiencing 10-20 percent hair thinning or loss that cheer can be replaced with a bit of worry. There’s no need to worry this holiday season, camouflage makeup is a simple solution for early hair thinning and loss to keep that holiday cheer alive.

Just like light powder and liquid can cover dark and red spots on skin, light powder and liquid can conceal thinning areas on your scalp. After a consultation at Jeffrey Paul Salon, we can show you how this camouflage solution can help you look nearly perfect so you can enjoy that holiday party.

Here are some of my tips for applying camouflage makeup:

Styling Tools to Create Your Holiday Hairstyle

Flat Iron

Having great hair for the holidays may mean styling with hot tools. But there are common mistakes we make when it comes to using curling irons and flat irons. I want you to look fabulous this holiday season, so here are three things to consider before prepping your look.

1.     Time – First, time management is a big deal. We all have places to be during this busy season, and the correct styling tools will help style your hair in less time. Tools get old. If you have had the same hot iron for years, it is time to replace it. Styling tools wear down over time, which causes them to not work as well and lead to unsatisfying results.

Immune booster for the cold winter months

Happy family! Mother and child girl on a winter walk in nature.

Tis the season! With the holidays comes Christmas cheer, and winter’s chill. Many of us are in need of an extra boost in our immune systems. December being such a busy month, it’s important that we support our health!

Luckily, I have a great and effective way to help promote a healthy immune and respiratory function during these cold winter months. That is, a Protective Blend foaming hand wash.

Prevention Blend soap is made from 5 natural oils so it is safe and will leave your hands feeling clean and refreshed. The key to making sure your hands are clean is to rub the soap in between your fingers and under your nails. The gentle cleansers help to soften hands throughout the day without drying or irritating sensitive skin. Once it is rubbed in, rinse your hands with lukewarm water and dry with a clean towel.

Be sure to wash your hands frequently throughout the day to make sure you and your family stays healthy through the holidays!

For additional tips visit my other Health and Wellness blogs here.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Ahhh..Benefits of Massaging Your Scalp!

Massage scalp

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Everyone loves a head massage, and many of us use the holidays as an excuse to get one. But don’t let the holidays be the only time you’re pampering your head. Here are a few of my reasons for you to give yourself one every time your in the shower.  Listen to my podcasts by clicking the link above to learn more.

  1. It boosts circulation
  2. Improves hair health
  3. Reduces stress

Using the pads of your fingertips, start at the front of your head and work your way back to the nape of your neck.

And for additional beauty tips please click here or follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Ahhh..Benefits of Massaging Your Scalp!

Massage scalp

[button href=”http://www.hairscalp.com/wp-content/uploads/Jeffrey-Paul-Salon-Beauty-Tip-6.mp3″ primary=”true” centered=”false”]Click Here to Listen to My Audio Beauty Tip[/button]

Everyone loves a head massage, and many of us use the holidays as an excuse to get one. But don’t let the holidays be the only time you’re pampering your head. Here are a few of my reasons for you to give yourself one every time your in the shower.  Listen to my podcasts by clicking the link above to learn more.

  1. It boosts circulation
  2. Improves hair health
  3. Reduces stress

Using the pads of your fingertips, start at the front of your head and work your way back to the nape of your neck.

And for additional beauty tips please click here or follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

The Gift of Thanksgiving

JP_Give thanks_11_28_13

All of us know that in the month of November we celebrate the Day of Thanksgiving…but what about the other 364 days of the year???

Do you celebrate Thanksgiving each and every day? You would if you understood the “Gift of Thanksgiving” and its power to overcome difficulties, depression, anxiety, disappointment, failures and so much more that we are faced with each day of our lives.

Giving thanks is easy when everything is good, going our way or when we get what we want. The true power and the life changing aspect of giving thanks is finding the powerful discipline to give thanks  even in the midst of life’s challenges. It is not that we are giving thanks for the challenge, but instead giving thanks that God loves us so much that even in the midst of the challenges He is by our side and IS working all things together for the good.

This discipline needs to be practiced with great diligence to see it change storms into calm seas and failures into successes. The choice to discipline our thoughts and our words – to be thankful for not what is seen but rather what is hoped for – activates our faith and gives God the praise and thanks in Him rather than in the things of this world or the circumstances of our life.

So this year as you sit down and give thanks… remember to give thanks for not only the good that you see, but also that which is unseen, and being worked out, by God, for the Good! By doing this, every day, you unleash the true “Gift of Thanksgiving!”

                  “Summing it all up, friends, Id say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.” (Philippians 4:8, 9 MSG)

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Pumpkin Ice Cream

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I know it’s easy to overindulge on sweets. Marisa Dicenso-Pelser, founder and trainer at Pure Health and Fitness, wants to help your craving for sweets by sharing her Pumpkin Ice Cream recipe.

pumpkin ice cream


This is my absolute favorite Thanksgiving treat! Rich and creamy yet nut free, which makes it a lower fat splurge. It is so easy with no ice cream maker required.

2 cups           Butternut Squash (cooked or raw)
1/4 cup         Coconut Butter
1/4 cup         Maple Syrup
1/2 tbsp        Pumpkin Pie Spice or 1-1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp nutmeg, 1/2 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp allspice
2 tsp              Vanilla Extract
Pinch            Sea Salt
Water (to get blender moving)

Blend all the ingredients in a Vitamix or high-speed blender.
Pour mixture into a freezer friendly airtight container and freeze till firm.
Scoop out and garnish with pecans and enjoy!

Thank you Marisa for this great recipe! For more information on Marisa and great recipes, visit her blog! You can find more healthy recipes on my health and wellness section here.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Marisa DiCenso Pelser smallMarisa Dicenso-Pelser – Marisa is one of the Founders and Head Trainers for Pure Health and Fitness. Marisa is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer, and Nationally Qualified Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, they are spreading the word of the importance of plant-based raw food nutrition as well as fitness throughout Northeast Ohio.

5 Days Left


With five days left, I would like to remind you all to sign up for ‘“A New You: Hair Loss Makeover.” If you, or someone you know is experiencing hair loss, please share this with them and sign up. I am looking to help one Ohio women look and feel beautiful!

My team at the Jeffrey Paul Salon and our partners at Beachwood Plastic Surgery are working to create A New You. If you have any last questions or concerns about entering, please share them with us. Please email or call me, we want you to feel comfortable entering so that you have a chance to feel beautiful again.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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How to Live Pain Free: Part 2

Did you know that your posture can affect your breathing? And if you are not getting the right amount of oxygen it can lead you to being even more tired? Watch this video to experience Mark Roozen’s, our strength and conditioning coach, first exercise to living a pain free life

  1. Take a stick and place your hand on each end.
  2. Bring your shoulders back by rotating the stick around your head.
  3. Repeat this motion going the other direction.

By doing this motion at home or in your office, it should help straighten your posture and stretch your back out and give you a bit more energy for your day.

Want to read more about how to live pain free? By subscribing to my Blog not only will you get great health and wellness tips but a FREE copy of Mark’s e-book, “How to Live Pain Free.” Sign up here to receive your free copy!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Mark SmallMark Roozen, M.Ed.,CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT, FNSCA, has over 25 years of experience as a strength and conditioning coach at the high school, college and professional level – most recently with the Cleveland Browns of the NFL on their Strength and Conditioning Staff. Roozen has written for a number of professional trade journals and has presented at the national and international level. He is also Co-Director of The Performance Education Association (TPEA) and owner/president of Performance Edge Training Systems (PETS).

How Hot Water Affects How Hair Shines


Click below to listen: 

Not so hot! One of the bad habits many of us continue to do when washing our hair, is using hot water. Although hot water may feel good on our body in the shower, it actually causes your hair cuticles to swell. When your cuticles swell, it creates an uneven surface, the result? Your hair looks dull. Instead, rinse your hair with cold or lukewarm water to close the cuticle and create an all over shine.

For an even more detailed look at how to wash your hair and/or your hair system check out my Maintenance Video by clicking here!

And for additional beauty tips please click here or follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Feed the “Root” of Hair Loss.


We have all heard the saying, “you need to get to the root of the problem in order to find a solution.” Finding a hair loss solution is no different. When a woman comes in to see me to ask about a solution for her hair loss she is looking to find a solution that takes care of what she sees in the mirror every day. Yet, it is just as important that we also work on a solution for what is unseen and may be the root of the problem of hair loss.

Much like a tree, hair has a root called the follicle. If the follicle of the hair is not getting the right nutrients it can cause the hair to grow thinner, go dormant or even fall out. This is why maintaining a healthy diet and finding the right nutritional supplement, comprised of natural elements, can make a difference in keeping hair strong and beautiful while also maintaining hair for as long as possible.

Soft Hair & A Soft Heart

What happens to your hair when it gets hard? It looks bad and breaks. The same thing happens to your heart. We have all been hurt by someone and have become bitter, the only way to soften your heart is to moisturize it with love and compassion.

Watch my video above as I give you the exercise to help you soften your heart:

  1. On a piece of paper write down everything you may be angry about.
  2. Then, safely light it on fire and let those words become ashes.

And remember, just as Proverbs 4 says, “guard your heart, it’s the wellspring of good life.” Today, guard your heart by letting go of that which makes it hard.

For more inspirational stories, articles and videos click here or sign up for Weekly Updates from my Blog!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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