“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.” – Sophia Loren
The true secret to beauty is found in this quote; the secret being that beauty begins within and I continue to share this message with women of all ages and from every walk of life. The reason beauty begins within is because the mirror inside of you is what reflects back to your mind in the thoughts you think of yourself. These thoughts reflect from your eyes, word, and confidence (or lack of) for the world to see you which is how you see yourself.
That mirror for so many has cracks and breaks in it due to life’s experiences and your perceptions of those experiences. As you reflect everyday into the mirror, words are spoken from within you to you like; “I am over weight”, “I never get a break”, “I am getting old”, “My hair is a mop”, “No one loves me”, and many other words of ugly self-talk that you may or may not be aware that you are speaking to yourself. These words can then become your thinking that reflects in your life and your beauty.
So what is the Beauty Treatment for this?