Why You Might be Using the Wrong Blow Dryer

People have always asked, “Jeffrey, what should I look for when choosing a blow dryer.” This is a question that more of us should think about when we’re making a purchase, because not all dryers are equal! I want to share with you my favorite blow dryer, and what features it has.

The new CHI touch is my favorite blow dryer and one I would recommend to anyone because it has the following features:

  • Temperature setting
  • Volume of air setting
  • Changeable nosel
  • Ionization setting

These are all important settings because the more heat you use, the less beauty your hair has. Many blow dryers do not have a temperature setting, which in return, causes many of use to over heat our hair.

For additional beauty tips please click here or follow me on:

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Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Peanut Butter Power Food


Lets ring in 2014 with a homemade super food recipe, peanut butter! This powerful protein fills you up and helps fight off those tempting cravings. It is packed full of nutrients like vitamin E, potassium, and vitamin B6. And, most importantly, peanut butter has fats, but heart healthy monounsaturated fats.

To make this tasty treat at home combine the following and mix together using your Vitamix:

  • 2 cups lightly salted peanuts
  • 2 Tbsp organic cane sugar

Thank you Marisa for this great recipe! For more information on Marisa and great recipes, visit her blog! You can find more healthy recipes on my health and wellness section here.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Marisa DiCenso Pelser smallMarisa Dicenso-Pelser – Marisa is one of the Founders and Head Trainers for Pure Health and Fitness. Marisa is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer, and Nationally Qualified Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, they are spreading the word of the importance of plant-based raw food nutrition as well as fitness throughout Northeast Ohio.

How to Live Pain Free: Part 3

Sitting in an office all day hunched over your computer can really close you off and cause back pain. As back pain can cause a whole new host of health issues I challenge you to take care of your back in 2014 with Mark Roozen’s series of back exercises.

Part of January’s New Years resolution, I would like to introduce to you stick squats.

  1. Hold a stick with arms apart above your head.
  2. Sit in a chair position (squat), making sure your hands are still above your head, and you are not bending over.
  3. Carefully stand back up with a straight back.
  4. Repeat this squatted position 5-10 times.

This exercise works on your shoulder flexibility, shoulder rotation, posture, core, lower back mobility, and ankle mobility. In return, this will open your backside up so you can get back to work pain free in 2014.

Want to read more about how to live pain free? By subscribing to my Blog not only will you get great health and wellness tips but a FREE copy of Mark’s e-book, “How to Live Pain Free.” Sign up here to receive your free copy!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Mark SmallMark Roozen, M.Ed.,CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT, FNSCA, has over 25 years of experience as a strength and conditioning coach at the high school, college and professional level – most recently with the Cleveland Browns of the NFL on their Strength and Conditioning Staff. Roozen has written for a number of professional trade journals and has presented at the national and international level. He is also Co-Director of The Performance Education Association (TPEA) and owner/president of Performance Edge Training Systems (PETS).

Control the Urge to Over Eat this Holiday


You know that feeling, the little voice that says “Well, I can just eat one more cookie, it IS the holidays.” We have all been there. The holiday season can be a challenge when it comes to managing your healthy eating habits. But I want to help. Here are a few simple steps to help you cut down from overindulging this holiday season.

1.     Focus on the people – not the food.
The holidays are meant to spend time with friends and family. So do that, talk among those you are with, you’re not there for the food.

2.    Make the occasional exception – not the rule.
One day of splurging on holiday food is ok. Just make sure to get back to your normal routine the next day and get through the New Year.

3.    Host the party.
You can ensure there are healthy choices when you host. If you are going to someone else’s house, offer to bring food.

Immune booster for the cold winter months

Happy family! Mother and child girl on a winter walk in nature.

Tis the season! With the holidays comes Christmas cheer, and winter’s chill. Many of us are in need of an extra boost in our immune systems. December being such a busy month, it’s important that we support our health!

Luckily, I have a great and effective way to help promote a healthy immune and respiratory function during these cold winter months. That is, a Protective Blend foaming hand wash.

Prevention Blend soap is made from 5 natural oils so it is safe and will leave your hands feeling clean and refreshed. The key to making sure your hands are clean is to rub the soap in between your fingers and under your nails. The gentle cleansers help to soften hands throughout the day without drying or irritating sensitive skin. Once it is rubbed in, rinse your hands with lukewarm water and dry with a clean towel.

Be sure to wash your hands frequently throughout the day to make sure you and your family stays healthy through the holidays!

For additional tips visit my other Health and Wellness blogs here.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Pumpkin Ice Cream

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I know it’s easy to overindulge on sweets. Marisa Dicenso-Pelser, founder and trainer at Pure Health and Fitness, wants to help your craving for sweets by sharing her Pumpkin Ice Cream recipe.

pumpkin ice cream


This is my absolute favorite Thanksgiving treat! Rich and creamy yet nut free, which makes it a lower fat splurge. It is so easy with no ice cream maker required.

2 cups           Butternut Squash (cooked or raw)
1/4 cup         Coconut Butter
1/4 cup         Maple Syrup
1/2 tbsp        Pumpkin Pie Spice or 1-1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp nutmeg, 1/2 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp allspice
2 tsp              Vanilla Extract
Pinch            Sea Salt
Water (to get blender moving)

Blend all the ingredients in a Vitamix or high-speed blender.
Pour mixture into a freezer friendly airtight container and freeze till firm.
Scoop out and garnish with pecans and enjoy!

Thank you Marisa for this great recipe! For more information on Marisa and great recipes, visit her blog! You can find more healthy recipes on my health and wellness section here.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Marisa DiCenso Pelser smallMarisa Dicenso-Pelser – Marisa is one of the Founders and Head Trainers for Pure Health and Fitness. Marisa is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer, and Nationally Qualified Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, they are spreading the word of the importance of plant-based raw food nutrition as well as fitness throughout Northeast Ohio.

How to Live Pain Free: Part 2

Did you know that your posture can affect your breathing? And if you are not getting the right amount of oxygen it can lead you to being even more tired? Watch this video to experience Mark Roozen’s, our strength and conditioning coach, first exercise to living a pain free life

  1. Take a stick and place your hand on each end.
  2. Bring your shoulders back by rotating the stick around your head.
  3. Repeat this motion going the other direction.

By doing this motion at home or in your office, it should help straighten your posture and stretch your back out and give you a bit more energy for your day.

Want to read more about how to live pain free? By subscribing to my Blog not only will you get great health and wellness tips but a FREE copy of Mark’s e-book, “How to Live Pain Free.” Sign up here to receive your free copy!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Mark SmallMark Roozen, M.Ed.,CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT, FNSCA, has over 25 years of experience as a strength and conditioning coach at the high school, college and professional level – most recently with the Cleveland Browns of the NFL on their Strength and Conditioning Staff. Roozen has written for a number of professional trade journals and has presented at the national and international level. He is also Co-Director of The Performance Education Association (TPEA) and owner/president of Performance Edge Training Systems (PETS).

How to Live Pain Free: Part 1

I’ve had some wonderful health and wellness tips over the last few weeks from my friend, Mark Roozen, and now I’d like to introduce you to a video series in which he will be our strength and conditioning coach.  This month we are working on experiencing a full makeover, whether it’s hair loss, or your health and wellness. Over the next few weeks, Mark is going to walk us through some easy steps to living a pain free life using different exercises we can do at home or at work to help straighten our backs.

Because a lot of us live our whole lives sitting we often have tight, painful back issues. Mark is going to help us sit up straight and live pain free!

For more health and wellness tips make sure to subscribe to my blog. For more information on Mark Roozen, please visit his blog.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Yum! Peppermint Brownies

Living a healthy life begins with eating the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Marisa Dicenso-Pelser, founder and trainer at Pure Health and Fitness, believes in the benefits of peppermint, even in a tasty treat! She also shared one of her favorite recipes with us that allows you to achieve the benefits from this natural essential oil!



Peppermint oil comprises vitamins A (great for a healthy scalp) and C, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals including potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, and copper.

There are numerous ways to use peppermint for health:

  1. Add a few drops to water to ease indigestion
  2. Diffuse it in the air or rub it on your chest for healthy respiratory function and clear breathing
  3. Rub it on your neck for neck tension or a small dab on your temples to help relieve pressure and boost energy
  4. Apply it topically or in your bath tub for muscle aches or discomfort
  5. Eat it! check out this recipe below…

Peppermint Brownies
3 cups Walnuts (unsoaked)
1 cup Dates (unsoaked, pitted)
½ cup Cocoa Powder
½ tsp Vanilla Extract
2 tsp. Water (for a moister brownie)
8-10 drops of Peppermint essential oil
pinch of Sea Salt

  1. Put all ingredients in a food processor and mix until dough like texture.
  2. Spread in a square pan.

Note: If you want a nut brownie, only make the mix with 1 cup of walnuts. Then take the 1/2 cup and chop in pieces and add it by hand to the blended mixture before you spread it out in the pan.

Thank you Marisa for this great recipe! For more information on Marisa and great recipes, visit her blog! Check out my store here, to purchase the peppermint oil for your treat.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Marisa DiCenso Pelser small

Marisa Dicenso-Pelser – Marisa is one of the Founders and Head Trainers for Pure Health and Fitness. Marisa is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer, and Nationally Qualified Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, they are spreading the word of the importance of plant-based raw food nutrition as well as fitness throughout Northeast Ohio.

Recipe for a Healthy Scalp!


One of the most important parts of growing healthy hair is to have a healthy scalp. Just like when planting flowers if the soil is not good the flowers will not grow beautiful!

Vitamin A is a key vitamin that helps promote a healthy scalp and ultimately healthy hair. Here is a quick morning smoothie, enriched with Vitamin A, to help start your day and your scalp in the right direction!

Citrus Carrot Cocktail*

¼ cup water
1 cup pineapple chunks
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/8-inch thick slice lemon, with peel, seeded
1 cup ice cubes


  1. Place all ingredients into the Vitamix container, or high powered blender, in the order listed and secure lid.
  2. Select Variable 1.
  3. Turn machine on and slowly increase to Variable 10, then to High.
  4. Blend for 1 minute or until desired consistency is reached.

For some additional healthy hair recipies and tips click here or visit my other Health and Wellness tips!

*recipe courtesy of Vitamix recipes

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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A New You: Hair Loss Makeover Contest


Are you the one out of four women who is experiencing some form thinning hair or hair loss? Are you looking for a NEW transformation? Are you looking for a NEW boost of confidence? Are you looking for A NEW YOU?

Jeffrey Paul Salon and Beachwood Plastic Surgery Medical Spa are hosting the “A New You: Hair Loss Makeover Contest.” Hair loss can be caused by many different factors including stress, aging, illness or hereditary factors. If you are just tired of living with a depleted image our team is ready to restore that image from the inside out!

Our makeover team is looking for Ohio women, aged 18 and older, who are experiencing hair thinning or hair loss. We want to know your story on how hair loss has affected your life and what this makeover would mean to you.

The winner of this $3,000 Makeover will receive the following:

  • An exclusive custom designed human hair system: Our team will evaluate your hair loss, take measurements and a mold of your head and design a custom hand-tied human hair system with the propriety J-Fiber Human Hair. This system is valued at over $2,400
  • Permanent eyebrow makeup and airbrush application:  Hair loss does not just affect the head but also eyebrows. Our team at Beachwood Plastic Surgery will provide the winner with permanent eyebrow make-up and a professional airbrush make-up session. This procedure is valued at $600.

[button href=”http://www.hairscalp.com/makeover-entry-form-3/” primary=”true” centered=”true”]Click Here to Enter Makeover[/button]

Eliminating Neck and Shoulder Pain: Part 2

It has been a few weeks since I shared Mark Roozen’s exercise tip’s to help eliminate neck and shoulder pain. How have you been doing? Is it working? We want to bring you a second exercise you can do in your office to help relieve some of that pain you may still be experiencing in your neck and shoulders.

JP_NeckPain_10_4_13This second exercise is a head and shoulder reach.

  1. In a seated or standing position, simply make yourself at tall as possible. With this movement, think that someone is taking you by the hair and pulling straight up. Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 1.22.36 PM
  2. At the same time, push the shoulders down and back – PINCH THAT PENCIL!
  3. Slowly tilt your head toward the top of your shoulder. Think that you are placing your ear on top of your shoulder. Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 1.28.10 PM
  4. Now, slowly and gently, rotate your head, working to bring your chin up towards the ceiling, while trying to keep your ear on your shoulder.
  5. Make sure to do both the right and left side to use this movement to get great neck relief and release tension in the muscles in the upper neck and shoulder area.

You can do this movement 2-3 times a day or any time you start to feel tension build up as you build up your workload throughout the day.

Thank you Mark for more of these important tips for pain relief! Again, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important so you can stay active! For more information on Mark Roozen visit his blog!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Mark RoozenMark Roozen, M.Ed.,CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT, FNSCA, has over 25 years of experience as a strength and conditioning coach at the high school, college and professional level – most recently with the Cleveland Browns of the NFL on their Strength and Conditioning Staff. Roozen has written for a number of professional trade journals and has presented at the national and international level. He is also Co-Director of The Performance Education Association (TPEA) and owner/president of Performance Edge Training Systems (PETS).


Top 12 Snacks for Super Hair

If you find yourself lagging halfway through the day you may be in need of a healthy snack. The next time you have the munchies try picking up a few of the following foods that are not only good for your body and your mind – but also for your hair:

Screen Shot 2013-08-27 at 5.13.58 PM

1. Almonds
2. Walnuts
3. Sunflower seeds
4. Figs
5. Apricots
6. Bananas
7. Raspberries or strawberries
8. Oranges
9. Raisins
10. Prunes
11. Skim milk, soy latte decaf, or 4 oz. frozen or regular low-fat yogurt
12. Small box whole-grain cereal or whole-grain snack bar

For some additional healthy hair recipes check out chapter 15 of my book, Women’s Hair Solutions to Thinning and Loss.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

 Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest



Is Your Hair Getting the Right Food?


Is your pantry stocked for royally healthy hair? If not here are the

Top 10 Healthy Foods for Your Hair:

1. Salmon, cold-water fish, sardines

2. Eggs

3. Lentils

4. Wheat bran and germ

5. Kale, spinach, watercress

6. Unpolished rice

7. Cantaloupe

8. Blueberries

9. Citrus fruits

10. Seaweed

For some additional healthy hair, and body, check out chapter 15 of my book, Women’s Hair Solutions to Thinning and Loss.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

Jeffrey Paul