Temptations are all around us, and the temptation of sweets always seems to be the worst when you are working towards a goal of eating healthy. But completely eliminating the “sweets” food group is not necessarily good for your diet either.
With that being said, there are sweets you can make at home. This way you know exactly what is in what you’re eating. And, you can make sure it’s a healthy sweet temptation.
Try making these tasty peppermint patties:
1 ½ cup organic coconut oil
¼ cup raw honey
3 drops peppermint essential oil
1 cup dark or semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 candy cane, crushed
I am so very excited to show you how our work in digital media is being recognized as one of the top works in the industry. In the current issue of Heads Up by Aquage, they discuss how some salons are taking advantage of the digital age we live in. One salon, which they chose to feature, was my salon, the Jeffrey Paul Salon and the social platform Pinterest.
I have a variety of boards from hair replacement success stories to tips on living healthy. I couldn’t be prouder to have my salon’s name be recognized by Aquage for being one of the leaders in the digital world. If you are on Pinterest, please check out what my Pinterest page has to offer here.
This is a very common and great beauty question and the answer might just surprise you.
Ideally you should shampoo your every other day, or less often if possible. Unless you are very active and perspiring daily, your hair should be able to last a couple days without shampooing it.
How do you know what’s best for you? Test it out. When you wake up in the morning, spray my Beautiful Hair Spray Conditioner on your hair, brush through and examine how your hair looks. If your roots are a little oily, use dry shampoo to soak up some of the oil.
Your hair isn’t made to be cleaned daily. So go and test out how your hair lasts.
If you continue to stay tuned to my beauty tips you’ll better understand what is right for you and what tips I have to keep your hair looking its best. This includes sleeping on the right pillowcase and using the right products.
For additional beauty tips please click hereor follow me on:
Did you ever have a secret that you kept to yourself? A secret so private that if anyone found out you would be horrified? For many, the answer is yes.
Trichotillomania or compulsive hair pulling can be one of those secrets. My friend, Amy Burzinski, works with individuals suffering from Trichotillomania and she gave us some insight into the disorder.
Trichotillomania (TTM or “Trich”) is a disorder that causes people to pull out the hair from their scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, or any other parts of the body, resulting in noticeable bald patches. Trichotillomania is a type of body focused repetitive behavior or BFRB for short. People who have trich will describe a strong “urge” to pull. The urge can be so strong that it can almost feel like an attack- unrelenting and demanding attention before anything else can be done.
This past week I had a unique opportunity to take my team, at Jeffrey Paul Salon, out for a team building day. We all visited a local glass shop where each of my staff got the chance to blow glass and make their own glass globe. Not only was this an absolute blast it really made me think about how glass blowing is very similar to making resolutions or a decision to change something in your life.
When we went to blow glass the instructor told us we needed three things. With those things we would be able to make a beautiful work of art. Without them the individual would be left with… BROKEN GLASS! Those three important items for glass blowing were:
People have always asked, “Jeffrey, what should I look for when choosing a blow dryer.” This is a question that more of us should think about when we’re making a purchase, because not all dryers are equal! I want to share with you my favorite blow dryer, and what features it has.
The new CHI touchis my favorite blow dryer and one I would recommend to anyone because it has the following features:
Temperature setting
Volume of air setting
Changeable nosel
Ionization setting
These are all important settings because the more heat you use, the less beauty your hair has. Many blow dryers do not have a temperature setting, which in return, causes many of use to over heat our hair.
For additional beauty tips please click hereor follow me on:
“I’m so excited I want to scream… but I don’t want to scare my kids!” – Linsey D.
I am so excited to announce the “A New You Makeover” winner – Linsey D. My team spent a great deal of time trying to decide between the many applicants and the two well deserving finalists. As we spent time with Linsey we found that her hair loss was caused by a combination of Graves Disease, Hashimoto’s Disease and the medications associated with them. We realized that there is a need to bring awareness to women, all over, experiencing thyroid and autoimmune type diseases – that there is a solution for thinning hair and hair loss.
Linsey was so excited to find out that she has been selected as our winner that not only did she want to scream, but said this contest is the only thing she has ever won – besides a coloring contest when she was younger! Her husband was so elated he began yelling and jumping for joy at his office. His co-workers rushed in to see if everything was okay! And our favorite was that when Linsey told her mom, over text, that she had won, Linsey said, “my mom is screaming for joy – over text!”
“Jeffrey, I have begun losing my hair and am unsure about what to ask my stylist or a hair loss specialist in order to find someone who is going to do a good job recommending a solution. What questions should I be asking?” ~ Alicia P.
When a woman begins experiencing hair loss and thinning it can be an experience with a lot of unanswered questions. What do I do? What can I do? Is there a solution for me?
Talking to your stylist is a big step, and one I want you to make as part of your New Year’s resolution. You may be embarrassed, you may want to hide your thinning and loss, but your stylist is there to help. Here are some questions to ask your stylist, or a hair loss specialist, and what responses you would want to receive.
1. Do you specialize in women’s hair loss issues? Can I talk to one or two of your clients who had similar circumstances to mine.
Good answers: Yes, or, mostly. Of course, we can arrange that, and maybe you can even meet one of them, who was happy with our work – have a look at the solution she selected!
The start of a New Year brings a tradition many of us make but may not be good at keeping, New Year’s resolutions. Don’t let these statistics from Living Magazine fool you into not making your yearly resolution.
40-45% Americans set resolutions annually.
After 1 month, only 64% are still participating in their resolution.
After 6 months, only 46% are still participating in their resolution.
After 1 year, only 12% are truly living out their resolution.
These statistics can make you turn the other way when someone asks, “What’s your resolution?” But I don’t want you to let them. I am here to help you make a resolution, and keep it! Let’s do this together; I will be providing coaches throughout the year to help mentor you. Through live workshops and my blog I will bring you resources to help make you better and live your resolution.
So please, share with me in your comments below what your resolution is this year, and I’ll help you stick to it. I look forward to your responses.
Lets ring in 2014 with a homemade super food recipe, peanut butter! This powerful protein fills you up and helps fight off those tempting cravings. It is packed full of nutrients like vitamin E, potassium, and vitamin B6. And, most importantly, peanut butter has fats, but heart healthy monounsaturated fats.
To make this tasty treat at home combine the following and mix together using your Vitamix:
2 cups lightly salted peanuts
2 Tbsp organic cane sugar
Thank you Marisa for this great recipe! For more information on Marisa and great recipes, visit her blog! You can find more healthy recipes on my health and wellness sectionhere.
Marisa Dicenso-Pelser– Marisa is one of the Founders and Head Trainers forPure Health and Fitness. Marisa is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer, and Nationally Qualified Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, they are spreading the word of the importance of plant-based raw foodnutrition as well as fitness throughout Northeast Ohio.
Sitting in an office all day hunched over your computer can really close you off and cause back pain. As back pain can cause a whole new host of health issues I challenge you to take care of your back in 2014 with Mark Roozen’s series of back exercises.
Part of January’s New Years resolution, I would like to introduce to you stick squats.
Hold a stick with arms apart above your head.
Sit in a chair position (squat), making sure your hands are still above your head, and you are not bending over.
Carefully stand back up with a straight back.
Repeat this squatted position 5-10 times.
This exercise works on your shoulder flexibility, shoulder rotation, posture, core, lower back mobility, and ankle mobility. In return, this will open your backside up so you can get back to work pain free in 2014.
Want to read more about how to live pain free? By subscribing to my Blog not only will you get great health and wellness tips but a FREE copy of Mark’s e-book, “How to Live Pain Free.” Sign up hereto receive your free copy!
Mark Roozen, M.Ed.,CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT, FNSCA, has over 25 years of experience as a strength and conditioning coach at the high school, college and professional level – most recently with the Cleveland Browns of the NFL on their Strength and Conditioning Staff. Roozen has written for a number of professional trade journals and has presented at the national and international level. He is also Co-Director of The Performance Education Association (TPEA) and owner/president of Performance Edge Training Systems (PETS).
Over the past month I ‘ve asked and you’ve answered! So many of you have sent us your stories to enter the Jeffrey Paul Salon and Beachwood Plastic Surgery and Medial Spa’s makeover contest, “A New You,“ and now, we are excited to change one woman’s life who is living with hair loss. We have chosen our two finalists and would like to share their stories with you.
Linsey: Linsey was diagnosed with Grave’s Disease, an autoimmune disorder leading to hyperthyroidism, back in 1996.
“When I first started losing my hair, I kept telling myself it would come back. ‘It has to’, I’d say. That was 16 years ago. It has been a lonely and depressing journey.”
“If I won this makeover it would truly change my life. I have been desperately seeking the confidence that so many women in our society take for granted. I long to feel what it might be like to get my fingers caught in my hair. Or to have to pull my hair back because it’s being unruly. To feel what it’s like to have to put a hat on because I’m actually having a bad hair day.“
Kylie began losing her hair when she was 12 and by the time she was 15 she was completely bald from alopecia. She continued to struggle with different wigs that just did not work for her.
“Winning this contest would mean that women like me across the states can also make a change in their life for the better. It stands as a symbol for anyone going through hair loss for any reason that they too- are special enough to change their lives.”
“Whether it be by makeover or lifestyle change- beauty comes from within. A makeover emphasizes that beauty and gives me a reason to share my story with others, hopefully enabling other women to make the positive change as well.”
After a hair loss consultation at the Jeffrey Paul Salon, my team will be able to evaluate each of the finalist’s hair loss and then choose one winner. Comment below, on who you would choose to be our Hair Loss Makeover winner?
If you would like to learn more about the right solution for your individual hair loss please emailor call me to set up a private and personal consultation with one of my consultation specialists. Or to get your free copy of my Personal Hair Loss Evaluation eBook Guide, which helps determine your loss and best-personalized solution, all you need to do is sign up for my blog!
You know that feeling, the little voice that says “Well, I can just eat one more cookie, it IS the holidays.” We have all been there. The holiday season can be a challenge when it comes to managing your healthy eating habits. But I want to help. Here are a few simple steps to help you cut down from overindulging this holiday season.
1. Focus on the people – not the food.
The holidays are meant to spend time with friends and family. So do that, talk among those you are with, you’re not there for the food.
2. Make the occasional exception – not the rule.
One day of splurging on holiday food is ok. Just make sure to get back to your normal routine the next day and get through the New Year.
3. Host the party.
You can ensure there are healthy choices when you host. If you are going to someone else’s house, offer to bring food.
The moment a child begins losing their hair can be a life changing experience. That experience touched my heart years ago when I began Wigs for Kids, and continues to touch my heart and the lives of others every single day. Working with children who have lost their hair has taught me that every child deserves to look, and feel normal.
And now I’d like to introduce you to Julia, who has shared her story so that you may havw that same experience. Julia is a 3-year-old Wigs For Kids recipient, who was diagnosed with Alopecia Totalis, a form of hair loss resulting in the loss of all hair on her head. A smart and bubbly girl, Julia has not allowed her hair loss to get in her way. She is certainly a spirited gift from above. Receiving a hairpiece has provided a feeling of normalcy and acceptance among her peers. Julia’s hairpiece will allow her to continue to swim and go horseback riding without a fear of her hairpiece falling off.
The moment a child begins losing their hair can be a life changing experience. That experience touched my heart years ago when I began Wigs for Kids, and continues to touch my heart and the lives of others every single day. Working with children who have lost their hair has taught me that every child deserves to look, and feel normal.
And now I’d like to introduce you to Julia, who has shared her story so that you may havw that same experience. Julia is a 3-year-old Wigs For Kids recipient, who was diagnosed with Alopecia Totalis, a form of hair loss resulting in the loss of all hair on her head. A smart and bubbly girl, Julia has not allowed her hair loss to get in her way. She is certainly a spirited gift from above. Receiving a hairpiece has provided a feeling of normalcy and acceptance among her peers. Julia’s hairpiece will allow her to continue to swim and go horseback riding without a fear of her hairpiece falling off.