Recognizing the 5 Signs of Hair Loss

5 Signs of Hair Loss

A woman’s hair is important to her. It is the frame that brings together all of the elements of her face. Hair has a language all its own. It tells the world whether you’re casual or businesslike, playful or serious. So looking down at her brush, and, for the first time, noticing strands of hair can send a woman into a panic. Immediately, she might wonder, “Am I experiencing hair loss, or merely losing a few strands?”

Enhance Your Shine

Do you ever feel like your hair is just dull or really lacking shine? Don’t worry you are not alone. When speaking to women, hair with lack of shine is one of the most common problems women have with their hair. So here are two tips on how to get back that shiny hair you deserve.

1. Use the right kind of brush – A brush that is made with a combination of Mongolian Boar and bristles, will help your hair’s natural oils be able to be distributed equally and throughout each strand making your hair silky smooth.

2. Know what type of hair you have – The texture of your hair is very important when selecting products that will not only repair hair, but also help to add shine.

In the video above, watch as I demonstrate how using the right brush and the right type of product, based on your hair’s texture, will help add back the shine your hair has been lacking.

For more beauty tips and product knowledge please follow me on:

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Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

A Fresh Start


Have you ever had a day or a week filled with chaos? Every step you make seems to be met by challenge after challenge? All you can think of is, “I just want to wake up and have a fresh startbe able to see clearly and move forward uninhibited toward the goals and blessings that are waiting for me just ahead?”

Don’t worry you are not alone! I found a prayer in the Psalms (Psalm 51:7-15) that King David wrote when he was in chaos and needed a fresh start to lift him up so he could see above the circumstances and chaos in his life. This prayer gave David hope for the future.

Today, take a moment to read and meditate on these verses. As you begin to allow these words to sink into your soul you will see that God is a faithful God who loves you. As you begin to trust in Him, and not lean on your own strength and understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6), He will begin to reveal His faithfulness to you by calming the chaos in your life and working all things together for the good. This will in turn give you the fresh start that you need!

Allow these words to strengthen you and then share them with someone else who needs a fresh start.

Get more inspiration here.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within…


 – Jeffrey Paul

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Your Complete Maintenance Guide

Our Beautiful Hair System has been specifically formulated for use on human hair systems, as well as to benefit growing hair. Everything from the products you use in the shower to the pillowcase you sleep on at night. When I formulated these products with my manufacturer we used the highest quality ingredients possible insisting on never compromising price for the quality. This is important in order to achieve the three greatest desires of my guests:

  1. To get the most natural look out of their hair system.
  2. To have the hair system last as long as possible and stay in the best possible condition.
  3. To be able to have our guests get the results we achieve in our salon – at home, on their own.

In this video, we will go through the proper steps and ways to use each product as well as what not to do. Please watch this video, and follow along with our Maintenance Guide.

Download Maintenance Guide

6 Secrets to Weight-loss Without Dieting

Healthy lifestyle
It’s important that we take care of our bodies as well as our minds. My friend, and our favorite health and wellness expert, Marisa Dicenso-Pelser, has provided six secrets to losing (and maintaining) a healthy weight in a healthy way.

Secret #1: Keep Moving
Keep your activity level high everyday. Workouts should consist of both cardiovascular training and strength training. Out of the gym, make an effort to move as much as possible!

Secret #2: Be a Healthy Eater
You are what you eat. Skip the drive thru and be sure to keep calories low, maintain portion control, and eat fresh foods.

Secret #3: Turn off the TV
The average person watches a whopping 35 hours of television each week, while people who successfully maintain their weight loss watch an average of 7 hours or less.

Secret #4: Keep it Simple
Create a repertoire of basic whole foods: fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, beans and nuts. Cutting down on your options makes it easier to stick to your plan, making weight loss guaranteed.