Keep Your New Years Resolution

The start of a New Year brings a tradition many of us make but may not be good at keeping, New Year’s resolutions. Don’t let these statistics from Living Magazine fool you into not making your yearly resolution.

  • 40-45% Americans set resolutions annually.
  • After 1 month, only 64% are still participating in their resolution.
  • After 6 months, only 46% are still participating in their resolution.
  • After 1 year, only 12% are truly living out their resolution.

These statistics can make you turn the other way when someone asks, “What’s your resolution?” But I don’t want you to let them. I am here to help you make a resolution, and keep it! Let’s do this together; I will be providing coaches throughout the year to help mentor you.  Through live workshops and my blog I will bring you resources to help make you better and live your resolution.

So please, share with me in your comments below what your resolution is this year, and I’ll help you stick to it. I look forward to your responses.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Peanut Butter Power Food


Lets ring in 2014 with a homemade super food recipe, peanut butter! This powerful protein fills you up and helps fight off those tempting cravings. It is packed full of nutrients like vitamin E, potassium, and vitamin B6. And, most importantly, peanut butter has fats, but heart healthy monounsaturated fats.

To make this tasty treat at home combine the following and mix together using your Vitamix:

  • 2 cups lightly salted peanuts
  • 2 Tbsp organic cane sugar

Thank you Marisa for this great recipe! For more information on Marisa and great recipes, visit her blog! You can find more healthy recipes on my health and wellness section here.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Marisa DiCenso Pelser smallMarisa Dicenso-Pelser – Marisa is one of the Founders and Head Trainers for Pure Health and Fitness. Marisa is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer, and Nationally Qualified Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, they are spreading the word of the importance of plant-based raw food nutrition as well as fitness throughout Northeast Ohio.

Styling Tools to Create Your Holiday Hairstyle

Flat Iron

Having great hair for the holidays may mean styling with hot tools. But there are common mistakes we make when it comes to using curling irons and flat irons. I want you to look fabulous this holiday season, so here are three things to consider before prepping your look.

1.     Time – First, time management is a big deal. We all have places to be during this busy season, and the correct styling tools will help style your hair in less time. Tools get old. If you have had the same hot iron for years, it is time to replace it. Styling tools wear down over time, which causes them to not work as well and lead to unsatisfying results.

Ahhh..Benefits of Massaging Your Scalp!

Massage scalp

[button href=”″ primary=”true” centered=”false”]Click Here to Listen to My Audio Beauty Tip[/button]

Everyone loves a head massage, and many of us use the holidays as an excuse to get one. But don’t let the holidays be the only time you’re pampering your head. Here are a few of my reasons for you to give yourself one every time your in the shower.  Listen to my podcasts by clicking the link above to learn more.

  1. It boosts circulation
  2. Improves hair health
  3. Reduces stress

Using the pads of your fingertips, start at the front of your head and work your way back to the nape of your neck.

And for additional beauty tips please click here or follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Ahhh..Benefits of Massaging Your Scalp!

Massage scalp

[button href=”″ primary=”true” centered=”false”]Click Here to Listen to My Audio Beauty Tip[/button]

Everyone loves a head massage, and many of us use the holidays as an excuse to get one. But don’t let the holidays be the only time you’re pampering your head. Here are a few of my reasons for you to give yourself one every time your in the shower.  Listen to my podcasts by clicking the link above to learn more.

  1. It boosts circulation
  2. Improves hair health
  3. Reduces stress

Using the pads of your fingertips, start at the front of your head and work your way back to the nape of your neck.

And for additional beauty tips please click here or follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

5 Days Left


With five days left, I would like to remind you all to sign up for ‘“A New You: Hair Loss Makeover.” If you, or someone you know is experiencing hair loss, please share this with them and sign up. I am looking to help one Ohio women look and feel beautiful!

My team at the Jeffrey Paul Salon and our partners at Beachwood Plastic Surgery are working to create A New You. If you have any last questions or concerns about entering, please share them with us. Please email or call me, we want you to feel comfortable entering so that you have a chance to feel beautiful again.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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How Hot Water Affects How Hair Shines


Click below to listen: 

Not so hot! One of the bad habits many of us continue to do when washing our hair, is using hot water. Although hot water may feel good on our body in the shower, it actually causes your hair cuticles to swell. When your cuticles swell, it creates an uneven surface, the result? Your hair looks dull. Instead, rinse your hair with cold or lukewarm water to close the cuticle and create an all over shine.

For an even more detailed look at how to wash your hair and/or your hair system check out my Maintenance Video by clicking here!

And for additional beauty tips please click here or follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Feed the “Root” of Hair Loss.


We have all heard the saying, “you need to get to the root of the problem in order to find a solution.” Finding a hair loss solution is no different. When a woman comes in to see me to ask about a solution for her hair loss she is looking to find a solution that takes care of what she sees in the mirror every day. Yet, it is just as important that we also work on a solution for what is unseen and may be the root of the problem of hair loss.

Much like a tree, hair has a root called the follicle. If the follicle of the hair is not getting the right nutrients it can cause the hair to grow thinner, go dormant or even fall out. This is why maintaining a healthy diet and finding the right nutritional supplement, comprised of natural elements, can make a difference in keeping hair strong and beautiful while also maintaining hair for as long as possible.

Yum! Peppermint Brownies

Living a healthy life begins with eating the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Marisa Dicenso-Pelser, founder and trainer at Pure Health and Fitness, believes in the benefits of peppermint, even in a tasty treat! She also shared one of her favorite recipes with us that allows you to achieve the benefits from this natural essential oil!



Peppermint oil comprises vitamins A (great for a healthy scalp) and C, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals including potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, and copper.

There are numerous ways to use peppermint for health:

  1. Add a few drops to water to ease indigestion
  2. Diffuse it in the air or rub it on your chest for healthy respiratory function and clear breathing
  3. Rub it on your neck for neck tension or a small dab on your temples to help relieve pressure and boost energy
  4. Apply it topically or in your bath tub for muscle aches or discomfort
  5. Eat it! check out this recipe below…

Peppermint Brownies
3 cups Walnuts (unsoaked)
1 cup Dates (unsoaked, pitted)
½ cup Cocoa Powder
½ tsp Vanilla Extract
2 tsp. Water (for a moister brownie)
8-10 drops of Peppermint essential oil
pinch of Sea Salt

  1. Put all ingredients in a food processor and mix until dough like texture.
  2. Spread in a square pan.

Note: If you want a nut brownie, only make the mix with 1 cup of walnuts. Then take the 1/2 cup and chop in pieces and add it by hand to the blended mixture before you spread it out in the pan.

Thank you Marisa for this great recipe! For more information on Marisa and great recipes, visit her blog! Check out my store here, to purchase the peppermint oil for your treat.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Marisa DiCenso Pelser small

Marisa Dicenso-Pelser – Marisa is one of the Founders and Head Trainers for Pure Health and Fitness. Marisa is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer, and Nationally Qualified Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, they are spreading the word of the importance of plant-based raw food nutrition as well as fitness throughout Northeast Ohio.

Cause of Hair Loss in a Hair System

HairLossBrushEach of my hair system designs are exclusive to the Jeffrey Paul Salon and are made with technologically advanced materials and proprietary blends of hair. Our hair systems are handmade in which we tie each hair in by hand selecting only the finest quality hair available. This ensures that our guests look natural and beautiful.

One of the greatest desires of our guests is to have their hair system last as long as possible. In order for us to help our guest achieve this goal it is important that they follow a well-prescribed maintenance program including: the right techniques, products, tools and procedures as prescribed by my trained hair specialists.

Because a hair system is a handmade product, natural hair shedding, from continued use, over the course of six months to a year is normal. However, there are a number of actions that can cause excessive hair loss AFTER delivery of your hair system. 

One of the largest factors creating major, ongoing, irreversible hair loss in a hair system is conditioner remaining in the root area. Conditioner that is allowed to be absorbed onto the base of the hair system and gather around the root system will ultimately prevent the root system form pivoting 360 degrees allowing for hair to loosen and fall out or break off at the root.

To prevent against excessive hair loss in your hair system, conditioner MUST be thoroughly and completely rinsed out to avoid excessive hair loss in a hair system.

For more information on how to properly maintain your hair system please visit our guest corner or watch my Maintenance Video. For more information on becoming one of our guests please email or call us to set up a private consultation or visit our LIVE consultation section.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

 Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Is Towel Drying My Hair Damaging It?

You may be damaging your hair in the worse way possible. How you ask? From the friction you create when towel drying your hair. When you dry your hair with a normal bath towel, in a rubbing fashion, the loops in that soft towel cause friction and tangles which leads to breakage and cuticle damage.  So how can you dry your hair?

Simple! By using the right micro fiber towel and the right technique for drying will leave your hair almost 80 percent dryer while still leaving enough moisture to keep hair healthy.

For more beauty tips and product knowledge please follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

How NOT to Waste Product

JP_Hands_9_5_13Do you ever feel like you are using endless amount of shampoo, conditioner or other hair products? You are spending a fortune on buying products only to feel like you go through them quicker and quicker.

One of the biggest culprits for wasted product is overuse due to not emulsifying product. What is emulsifying a product? That is a great question!

Most people hop in the shower grab their bottle of shampoo, squeeze it in their hands and apply it directly to their hair. The problem with this is that the product is unable to spread properly which means the individual either has one very clean section of hair or has to go back and use more product to get the rest of their hair clean.

Next time you hop in the shower and grab the bottle of shampoo or conditioner; or are styling your hair with your favorite styling aid make sure to do the following:

1. Squeeze the correct amount of product into your hands based on the length and type of hair texture.

2. Emulsify product by rubbing your hands together, as if you were trying to warm your hands up, spreading the product through your hands and fingers and also warming the product up.

3. Then using your fingers evenly spread the product through your hair.

Seems simple, but I will guarantee that not only will your hair have better results you will also save money by not wasting product!

For more beauty tips and product knowledge please follow me on:

 Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul

Everlasting Products?

Time-expired-300x200Myth – The Beautiful Hair Products can last several years.

Fact – Because our products are developed with the highest grade USP ingredients the shelf life of the Beautiful Hair Products is 1 year. After a year, we cannot guarantee that the product will give the same quality results.

The guidelines for product usage are based on how many times per week a guest washes their hair and the length and texture of hair. The usage chart below is based on 6”hair length in a straight texture. Hair longer than 6” or with more curly texture would mean that product will be used faster. Hair shorter than 6” length would mean that product would be used slightly slower (Usage below based on an 8oz bottle):

  • 1 Wash Per Week = 5 – 6 months
  • 3 Washes Per Week = 3 – 4 months
  • 7 Washes Per Week = 1 – 2 months

The goal of the Jeffrey Paul Salon is to always exceed our guests’ expectations by providing the best of the best in services, products, experience, education and care!” For more information on becoming one of our guests please email or call us to set up a private consultation or visit our guest corner for more guest specific information.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

 Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Younger Looking Hair

HandinhandThis past weekend I had the great pleasure of spending time with my first granddaughter who is turning one! As I was playing with her she placed her hand in mine and I recognized how soft her baby skin was compared to mine.

Everyone knows the feel of a baby’s skin. The skin is soft, plump and filled with moisture – this is due to the skins natural occurring Sodium PCA which acts as a moisture retention agent. As an individual gets older Sodium PCA becomes less and less causing skin to become dry and tight.

Because hair has very similar characteristics to skin, when we specifically formulated our Beautiful Hair Care System one of the main ingredients we used in our Moisturizing Conditioner was Sodium PCA. This ingredient helps retain moisture in the hair. As moisture is retained, the shine of hair increase, tangles are reduced, hair is more manageable, color is deeper and richer, and best of all dryness is gone giving you the look you desire.

Women all around the world spend millions of dollars each year trying to find products that make their hair and skin look and feel younger and softer. Hair products promise to do many things but you can’t always “judge a book by its cover”… it’s more important to know what is in the products you use and why those ingredients are important to giving you the look you desire.

For more beauty tips and product knowledge please follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Do You Want Salon Soft Hair?

Do you wonder how you can get salon soft hair at home? Simple! The secret is to pre-condition your hair, before your regular shampooing! This helps eliminate tangles when shampooing hair. If hair is tangled when shampooing you are not getting clean hair and you are going to create breakage in hair because of snarling of the tangles.

This is what you can do BEFORE you get into the shower to help condition hair while also removing tangles to get salon soft hair:

1. Get a water bottle and put a small amount of conditioner into a spray bottle of water. Shake really well.

2. Section your hair and then spray the pre-conditioner onto hair above and below the sectioned hair.

3. Comb through hair using a Wet Brush to help eliminate tangles.

4. Then let it sit while you get ready to get in the shower.

As an extra little bonus my video also shows you the keys to applying Protein Treatment and Moisturizing Conditioner the right way.

For more beauty tips and product knowledge please connect with me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul