But despite her bravery, she felt what anyone in her position would feel: a sense of being let down. She would wonder, why am I failing myself? Why is my body not working?
She spent many years focused on how to get her hair to grow back and regain what she had lost. There were countless treatments and shampoos over the years. “You name it,” recalls Valerie, “I spent all my time, my money and my energy on it, because I wanted my hair back.”
It became all-consuming, until Valerie made a realization: she was the only one who could change her life.
While Valerie still deals with alopecia on a daily basis, her outlook on life has changed. Her perspective of herself changed, which caused a shift in the conversations she had with herself. The realization came during a bout of depression over life with alopecia, when it occurred to her that she can have the life that she wants. She gets to live, and gets to decide what she will do with her life.
From then on, Valerie would look at herself in the mirror and tell herself five powerful words: “You’re not your hair, Valerie.”
It took years of soul searching to get to this point, but the choice she made to not stop her life because of hair loss was an important one. It took courage, and is a daily, ongoing effort.
Valerie now advocates for others to stay strong in the wake of hair loss, and to not let it stop them from living the best life possible. She works to prevent others from going through the same depths of depression she faced due to hair loss and wants others to know they are not alone in the journey.
Valerie will be hosting Overcoming Medical Hair Loss, a 21 day summit beginning February 24 with speakers from across the country. Experts in the industry will speak over the course of three weeks, delivering inspirational and uplifting interviews daily to recipients’ inboxes. They will share the tools, resources, coaching and support it takes to have a better life while living with hair loss.
Valerie strives to serve the community of those suffering from hair loss due to medical issues, and firmly believes it’s not one solution that will bring your life or your hair back, it’s a holistic approach.
One important thing to remember: “You’re not dealing with hair loss, you’re living with hair loss,” says Valerie.
Differences Come Over Time
Every day is just one step at a time. Valerie finds strength within and is now sharing that strength with others.
It’s important to feel your feelings, and give yourself permission to feel sad and upset over the loss of your hair. The feelings are valid.
But it’s your choice what happens next.
Valerie believes there are three important steps on the path to living with hair loss:
Step One: Have a conversation with yourself. You’re not your hair, but you’re still you. Remember, you get to look the way you want to look. Feel your feelings, then let the guilt go.
Step Two: What you get to do about it. Live your life every day, just one step at a time.
Step Three: Have a strong support system. Your hairdresser is an important part of the process, so choose one who’s sensitive to you and your needs, knows your journey and what you’ve been through. Be open with your family and friends. Surround yourself with positivity and remember, you’re not alone.
There is another side, and everyone can to the other side of this just like Valerie, by taking things one step at a time. Release the focus on it being all about the hair, and enjoy life and live it fully.
Signup Today for Overcoming Medical Hair Loss Summit
Sign up today at www.overcomingmedicalhairloss.com. Leave your name and email to register. The summit begins February 24, so don’t wait! Every expert will have a free gift.
Don’t forget, beauty begins within.
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