Alopecia Didn’t Stop Annie!

In this episode of Hair Loss Solutions TV™, you will discover the following:

  • What Alopecia is and how it affects people of all ages
  • How Jeffrey Paul, founder of Wigs for Kids, works with Italian company, Cesare Ragazzi, who creates advanced prosthetic hair pieces
  • How the hair piece is securely attached to ensure proper placement and the dermatologically-approved adhesive used
  • How Annie regained not only a beautiful head of hair, but also her confidence with the help of the Cesare Ragazzi’s 3D technology and printed hair systems

In the video above, Annie faced Alopecia at a young age and looked for solutions to help restore her confidence. When she turned to Wigs for Kids, a nonprofit organization that provides hair systems to children with medically-induced hair loss at no cost, she not only received a full head of natural-looking hair, but she also regained her confidence. She has always been beautiful, but now she feels it as well! Annie has taken her life’s journey with hair loss and used it as a platform to share her story of courage and hope to others. Check out what Annie considers to be her most treasured possession. Click here to listen to her incredible story!

If you can relate to Annie’s story, or if you know someone who suffers from Alopecia or thinning hair in general, book now to learn more about the solutions available to you.

Think Bald is Beautiful…But Not on You?

Hair loss for both men and women is common, affecting more than 75% of men and nearly two-thirds of women at some point in their lifetime.  For many, any degree of hair loss can be a traumatic experience.  This simple truth essentially drives a multi-billion hair loss treatment industry filled with products and treatments claiming to cure hair loss.  Understanding hair growth and accurately measuring and diagnosing the cause of hair loss can take the unknown out of treatment and can curb or delay future hair loss.

It is a normal and healthy part of hair growth to lose some hair each day.  Men with healthy hair shed between 60 and 80 strands each day, while women normally lose up to 100.  But when does it all become too much?  Typically, it takes 50% loss in hair density for hair loss to become noticeable to the naked eye.  As with any medical condition, early detection can be key in effectively treating hair loss.    Once hair loss progresses to a certain point, treatment becomes more difficult and costly in achieving good results.

If you’re wondering if you are experiencing hair loss, the rate at which you are losing hair, or even the effectiveness of a hair loss treatment regimen, wonder no more.

Not Your Grandmother’s Wig

To many, the term “hair loss solution” conjures up images of painful hair restoration techniques or the unnatural looking, one-size-fits-all wigs many of our grandmothers wore back in the day. You know the kind of wig we are talking about here, the kind made primarily of low-grade synthetic materials, that unless you weren’t paying any attention at all, you could tell when a lady was wearing one.

Today’s Hair Solutions

There are many advantages to our hair solutions today, including a more natural look in terms of texture, shine and movement, color dimension, and authentic look and feel. Wigs of your Grandma’s days were often hot, itchy and generally uncomfortable. Today’s hair solutions, on the other hand, lack any of those discomforts. Human hair solutions also offer many more styling options. In contrast to synthetics, human hair solutions are heat resistant, so they won’t melt or curl when applying heat.

Pregnancy and Hair Loss: From Glow to “Oh No!”

As we mentioned in our February newsletter, we’re celebrating the pregnancy of one of our stylists, Clair. She and her fiancé are expecting a baby boy in the coming months. This got us talking about pregnancy and its effects on hair and the scalp.

Many women look forward to the “glow” of pregnancy.  During this exciting time, higher levels of hormones can cause many physiological changes – bright, shiny skin and fast growing, fuller hair.  Increased estrogen in the body extends the growth phase of hair, resulting in reduced shedding and changes in texture which can make for seemingly fuller locks.

Hair Helps Heal

Thinning tresses and hair loss can be difficult for men and women of any age. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, hereditary, the result of illness or disease, or a side effect of medical treatments such as chemotherapy. Any hair loss can be traumatic and impart serious damage to one’s self-esteem.

We’ve heard it from many of our guests – their stress levels may have initially caused their hair loss, which resulted in additional strain. It’s a vicious cycle that’s extremely difficult to break. In dealing with all this added pressure, people turn to different coping mechanisms, such as overeating, staying within the confines of their home or overspending. These methods bring about their own problems and can result in even more concern for the person and their loved ones.

Watch Cindy’s Solution to – Hereditary Hair Loss

Take a look at this video of Cindy and find out why she says, “I finally feel good about myself and how I look. That makes me happy. I want to share that.”

Cindy was a former hospital employee and always in the public eye, and like most of us, her hair had always been a big part of her appearance. As Cindy began to lose her hair, she was able to determine that her hair loss was not only hereditary, but was also being caused by a medication she was required to take after surgery. Cindy told me that her hair loss started slowly, but as any of us who have experienced loss know, a little is enough to throw us into that private panic, and search for a solution. Cindy came to me at my salon, and we were able to walk her through her thinning and loss, and find a solution that met her needs and made her feel good!

For more information on Cindy’s story, read here.

If you would like to learn more about setting up a private and personal consultation to help you find the right solution for your individual hair loss please feel free to reach out to us by calling (440) 333-8939 or

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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The Stressful Seasons’ Effect on Your Hair & Scalp


At Jeffrey Paul Hair Restoration Center, we know it’s been an incredibly stressful time. The time leading up to the election, and the event itself, has left a lot of people distressed and uncertain. Couple those feelings with the hustle and bustle that arrives during the upcoming holidays, and you have the potential for a lot of stressed out Americans. How is all this stress affecting your hair, and are there things that can be done to prevent hair loss?

Stress, anxiety and depression are never good for your body especially when combined with the medications that can be associated with them. When dealing with factors that contribute to hair loss, one of the biggest internal components is the medications used to treat those conditions. Drugs dealing with high blood pressure, cholesterol, mood enhancing (anti-depressants) and hormones (hormone enhancement, menopause, birth control and testosterone) can all lead or contribute to hair thinning problems.

How to Tackle Hair Loss: Part 2

In last week’s blog post, I talked about how you can start to tackle your hair loss right now. If you have begun to collect the hairs that fall out each day, then I want to discuss the next steps.

We want to evaluate various factors or your lifestyle at different times to see how problems might be progressing. You should note that hair loss is related to what happened yesterday – not today. We will likely have forgotten what might have caused it, because the loss becomes noticeable only after the events that triggered it. I encourage my clients to keep a diary or a journal of their hair loss over a ninety-day period – which represents the cycle of hair. I encourage you to do the same before you begin addressing your hair loss concerns constructively, and continue to alter.

How to Tackle Hair Loss: Part 1

The time is now to tackle your hair loss and find out how you can find a solution! Treating your hair loss starts at home. The products you use at home will change. The way you take care of your hair and even the manner in which you do many standard things in your life will change to accommodate the needs of your hair. I want you to begin to chart your course of treatment and monitor your needs in order to have the most effective outcome.

About a week before clients come in to see us at the Jeffrey Paul Salon, we have them gather and count the hair that falls out during that week. When they come in, we conduct an analysis of their scalp, the follicles, the openings where hair emerges from the scalp, and other factors, in order to measure and put a value on the stage of your loss so that you can understand the steps you will need to take to alter the situation. If you collect hair you’ve lost and put it in a clear plastic baggie, daily for a week, you can see at-a-glance whether you are losing more or less hair as time goes on.

Four Great Benefits to Having Two Hairpieces

Hair is a fabric. Just like with your favorite outfit or that great pair of leather boots you wear… each fabric has a life expectancy based on the amount of use or overuse you put into it. The same is true for your hair replacement system. There’s no exact timeline as to when someone needs a new system or how long a hair system lasts. It varies on the way you wear and take care of your hair.

For the guest, at Jeffrey Paul Salon, who has selected the extended wear attachment option, the wear and tear that goes into wearing a system everyday is quite extensive. Think about it, even your absolute favorite outfit that you may wear 2 times a week (Don’t worry…I won’t tell!) gets taken on and off. The extended wear attachment method gives the wearer the opportunity to live a more uncompromised life style because the hair system is attached. At the same time, it can also cause a hair system to wear even faster.

Whether you have extensions, an integration system or a full hair replacement system, I highly recommend investing in two hairpieces. Why, you may ask? Here are a few of the great benefits having two hair systems that allow you to alternate each month:

Helping Your Hair Addition Stay Secured Long

My guests, or women who have never worn hair before, always ask the same question… “Will it come off?” They want to know if the hair is secure. I have worked for years to find and perfect the best of the best in attachment methods to help ensure that women feel secure in knowing that their hair addition will stay secured even with an active lifestyle.

Here is a tip that will not only help add even more security in between your service appointments, but it will also add  a little extra peace of mind and confidence…

The Benefits Of ScalpCheck™


12-newsPeople around the country are talking about the benefits of having a ScalpCheck™. Thanks to 12 News in Arizona for spreading the word about our center and our ScalpCheck™.

The ScalpCheck is four-step process that includes the following:

  1. Step 1 – Check Your History
  2. Step 2 – Check Important Scalp Values
  3. Step 3 – Physical Scalp & Hair Check-Up
  4. Step 4 – Scope The Scalp & Hair: A specialized video scope with three different lens magnifications allows our certified trichologist and you to view your scalp on a large screen in order to help further identify problems and create a benchmark that we can review after treatments begin.

These lenses include:

Camouflaging Thinning Hair

One tip to help you feel better quickly is learning how camouflaging your thinning hair can work for you. I know it can be difficult to hide a bare scalp – it’s still nice out, so we’re not wearing hats quite yet. (Although that time of year is quickly approaching!) My camouflaging trick will help you feel confident and gorgeous, just as you should!

There are a few barriers when trying to cover up thinning hair. Most of us are running around on a daily basis, and with it still being nice out, our bodies sweat or we could experience a few rain showers. These factors can make it difficult to hide hair loss or thinning. Some camouflage makeup can run-off in these situations, but unlike those other products, the physician-developed makeup I suggest using actually seals in place, allowing you to go about your day without any worry and help you continue looking beautiful on the inside and out!

Setting Up a Hair Loss Consultation

Understanding your personal hair loss is the start to finding a solution to it. When visiting the Jeffrey Paul Salon, my team will take you through a private consultation in order to better understand your hair loss. A consultation is one of the most important aspects of what my team does for our guests. During the consultation we go through a personal evaluation. Based on your different lifestyle, hair loss type, location of loss and amount of loss, we in turn develop a custom designed solution for you.

In the video above I will walk you through, with our guest Allison, two key components of a consultation. First, the “pull test,” which helps determine your rate of hair loss and face shape, which will help to build the most attractive frame around your face to finish the look.

The End Of The Itch



Alex is a firefighter who found the solution to his chronic scalp itch and excessive dandruff problem after undergoing a ScalpCheck™ analysis.

If you suffer from dandruff or excessive scalp itch, you’re hardly alone. In fact, certified trichologist Emmanuel Paul of the Jeffrey Paul Hair Restoration Center in Fairview Park insists most people have some degree of dandruff or scalp itch.

“The problem is that most leading anti-dandruff shampoos hide the root problem instead of treating it,” Emmanuel says. Although most people associate dandruff with dryness, he explains, there actually are two types of dandruff that result from dry and oily scalps.

“Washing flakes out of your hair doesn’t remove the bacteria and the scalp conditions that cause them,” he says. “The real solution is to properly treat the scalp.”

An itchy scalp and hair filled with noticeable dandruff is what caused Alex Aella, a 35-year-old firefighter, to visit the Hair Restoration Center. Alex was convinced the chronic itching that drove him crazy for almost 10 years had to do with dandruff or dryness. A series of tests using proprietary diagnostic tools proved Alex’s theory wrong. He not only had dandruff, but also had a super oily scalp.