What’s the Big Deal? It’s Only Hair, right?

Hair Loss

Hair loss can be devastating, in fact, one-in-four women will experience some form of hair thinning or hair loss during their lifetime. Whether it’s a result of genetics, health issues, medication, stress or other factors, the impact of hair loss is significant to a sense of self.

Why? Because hair is attached to more than the follicles in the scalp. It is attached to emotions, personality, confidence and the way you feel about yourself and how you interact with the world. It is the “crowning glory” to that individual look you call your own.

If you are experiencing the early stages of age-related hair thinning and loss, there are several options you can consider that will help divert attention away from the issue.

Metamorphosis – Rediscovering your Inner Beauty

Inner Beauty - Jeffrey PaulListen to the voice within you. As you think about yourself, what do you hear? You’re fat? Ugly? Old? Your hair is too thin? Or is your inner voice saying:

“I’m beautiful, I’m precious, I’m radiant, I’m loved.”

We all know people so filled with confidence, optimism, and joy of living that they radiate warmth as if lit by an inner sun. It glows from their eyes. It leaps from their smiles. In their presence, we find ourselves straightening our shoulders and smiling back, heartened. This is the gift that they share with us – their inner beauty revealed.

Ralph Marston

Take the time today to do something wonderful. Take the time to do something that reminds you of how precious and beautiful life is.

Those urgent matters that seem so important are really not, when compared to the unique miracle that is your life. Take the time today to feel truly alive.

Look closely, with your heart, and see magnificence in the smallest and simplest of things. Instead of trading all your time for money or ego boosters, invest a little time in being genuinely at peace.

You cannot schedule life’s richness for later. Yet you can always enjoy it now.

Let yourself live that richness. Joyfully give in to the longing of your spirit.

Feel the immensity of existence. Be the beauty that you know you are.


In the midst of our busy lifestyles and daily spiritual battles we face, do you know how to really rest?


Some people may define Rest as sleeping well; some think of it as taking a vacation; and others would say it’s just doing nothing. How do you define Rest?

Nutrition Tips: Recipe – Emerald Smoothie

Proper nutrition is important for the growth of hair follicles and healthy hair fiber. So, what’s in a healthy diet? Fruits, vegetables, and meats, containing natural vitamins, proteins and mineral. As part of a daily diet, these foods make hair strong and healthy.



The Emerald Smoothie is the first recipe in my Nutrition Tips segment. Not only does it taste great, but has the added bonus for contributing to healthy hair and skin!

Nutrition Tips – A menu for healthy hair


You most likely have heard the saying, “you are what you eat,” and this is especially true when you are talking about the two most seen parts of your body: your hair and your skin.

My saying, “Beauty begins within,” applies to this from a nutritional level for the shine, growth and manageability of your hair – as well as the aging of both your hair and skin.

Beauty Inside and Out – Guard Your Heart

Above all else, guard you heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

Your heart is where your beliefs and doubts, your joys and fears are produced which gives you a wellspring of life or misery. It all depends on what you are producing. In the book of Deuteronomy God speaks to us saying; “today I place before life and death, Choose Life.”

Guard Your Heart

What God has given to all of us is the power to believe – that is what our hearts manufacture, beliefs that produce thoughts that are then made real in our lives. That is a great power but what type of beliefs and thoughts is your heart producing?

The Crowning Glory: What Makes Hair Royally Beautiful

Before you approach restoring your beautiful hair, you need to know the basic elements that actually make it beautiful. For that, you need to look no further than to a typical twelve year-old girl. Her head of healthy hair has five specific elements that combine to give it that unmistakable beauty:

• Shine or Condition
• Texture or Wave
• Shade or Color
• Style or Framing
• Growth

Beautiful Hair

At their best, these five components represent the qualities necessary for hair to be beautiful. Duplicating or simulating them successfully is the goal of Hair Restoration.